Getting lost in a library would be charming--especially if it was the library in movies like the Harry Potter series or Beauty and the Beast. But knowing where to go is usually desired in order to find a particular book, or at least the area of topic. Feel secure, as one ample visit in a library with good exploration, can bring comfort and ease in finding what you are looking for, and joy may extend to possibly using other available resources. Present day library usage is more than simply checking out books, as also typically available are audio books, CDs, DVDs, internet usage, quiet rooms to study or meet with a group... And seasonally, there may be organized children's story time, basic to advanced workshops offered, local author or travel talks, holiday or historical displays, and more.
Libraries are systematically well-organized, both generally and specifically. Near the entrance is a help desk with pleasant workers to answer questions or direct us. However, it is easy to discover locations of designated main sections. For example, areas for children, teen literature, nonfiction, fiction novels, history, psychology, travel, language, philosophy, self-help,and gardening to name a few, are easily recognizable by signs, or posts at the ends of bookshelves.
The library staff may give you the general location of what you are looking for, or if you know which book, you may be given a specific code of letters and numbers to match the title you want. The letters are generally three in number and represent the first 3 letters of the author's last name, and the numbers help organize the books logically. If you don't speak to staff, you may use a nearby computer kiosk to search for the book's id of letters/numbers (or use a card catalog system if a library doesn't have inventory computerized). Once the main bookshelf is found, the book is located by using the letters/numbers id that match the small library-added label on the book's binding, or spine.
Tables and chairs in quiet well-lit areas are available to read while there, or return to the help desk to check out the item/s.
Happy reading! ...or listening, exploring, watching, learning, sharing, discovering, expanding! :)