Sometimes someone around me will say, “You’re calm. How do you do that?”
I really take that as a compliment, because usually, I am. And it took years for me to really get the feeling of calmness into a habit. When something is amiss, I have learned that I can mentally step inside a safe, quiet space in my mind and be present from this state. The body then feels more relaxed. I can tell from my breathing and how my body and mind feel that I am here, not interrupted by tension anymore.
The feelings of centeredness, balance, or calmness, help me be more helpful if that is needed while I am with the other person present. Or, conversations can be more pleasant, actions more productive, because I am at ease.
Personally, for positive, healthy reasons, I enjoy the nice steady gait, or smooth run while I’m experiencing life, not a wild ride. Life has enough busy-ness, scheduled tasks, regular to-dos, extra enjoyments. Each takes time and effort. When necessary, extra thoughts for balance, recentering, and calmness will help the flow. It works for me. I like to enjoy life, and it’s kept enjoyably full.
Too full? Sometimes. That’s for a different blog. 😊
May each of our moments have the health, strength, and fulfillment we want. And may we each remember the ability to enter inside our mind, body, and spirit, to recenter into how we want to live.
In peace and gratitude,