In college, while in Humanities or English classes, I enjoyed writing assignments that called for detailed observation of tie-ins and reasons, the possible whys something was done. For example, within paintings, how could the artist be revealing history, emotions, interactions and such through details viewed. Or within movies, why were certain colors, clothing, words said, …what symbolism or information were being given as clues for the story line.
When I had my chiropractic business, one of the goals was to listen to patients, hear their histories and current health challenges. This, plus observation, asking further questions, and more, allowed me to understand how to help them, to assist their health journey, be it to use chiropractic adjustments, energy work, or advice within nutrition, exercise, mind/choice/additions for clarity, etc.
We do this measure every day—mothers knowing their children’s needs, partners understanding each other with or without words, friends understanding how situations pull on the mind or heartstrings.
We sometimes, wonderfully, move clearly in knowing what drives us, or inspires us. And sometimes we are muddled, searching, looking for answers, and frustrated.
My thoughts for each of us, would be never give up. Keep getting more clear with what you want to have, and be, in your life. Be open to understanding the personal conflict/s or struggle. Be open to physical, emotional, and personal growth. Look at choices. Investigate whatever you need to live the life you want.
And in the meantime, be grateful for what you have, and thankful you can learn something better for yourself. Information is available.
Protagonists in my novels work through their confusions, aches and pains. They strive to become more clear, strong, loving and open to life and more meaning for themselves. The books may parallel life and lessons for us too.
A few examples:
In Hope After Heartbreak, Danielle notes: The man had looked at her with a loving father’s eyes for a moment.
What I’d like a reader to see possible: Spirit/Life sends in who and what we need, when we need it. Be open. Remain open and focused.
In Silver Memories, Celia desires: To know herself better, understand her moods, and more clearly, what she wanted and had accomplished during her years.
What I’d like a reader to see possible: Know Thyself.
In The Golden Year, Joshua tells Marie when they are beginning a vacation camping trip: ‘Figured it may be my only shave this week.
What I’d like a reader to see possible: Life sometimes has us change it up! Go with the flow!
